Help & Advice

Why choose Mae Care?

What is the person-centred approach?

All people have the resources and tenancy to advance, improve and grow personally.

Person-centred care, will focus on the person’s individual needs, not the diagnosis of dementia.

We centre around the person who is receiving care.

For more see our post What is Person-Centred Care.

What does person-centred domiciliary care mean?

Domiciliary care is care provided in the comfort of your own home, that may not necessarily be provided by local authorities.

It may include household tasks, such as preparation of meals and day-to-day domestic tasks.

Being person-centred, we will review a persons needs as their dementia evolves.

What is a bespoke person-centred care plan?

At Mae Care, every person will receive their own bespoke care plan, designed for the person’s individual needs.

Our team at Mae Care, will constantly review the plan and the persons needs as their dementia journey evolves.


Working with partners

Occasionally, we are unable to provide a particular service. However, we work closely with a group of partners, with the same ethos, to sign post you to attaint the relevant services you need.


Confidential Care.

We provide care to the highest standard, and all records and data are stored with confidentially, at the heart of everything we do.


Commitment to CQC KLOE’s

At Mae Care, we are committed to Key Line of Enquiry prompts, in all areas of the care we provide. The prompts cover:

  • Safety - people are protected from abuse and avoidable harm

  • Effectiveness - good outcomes are achieved from bespoke care

  • Care - people are treated with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect

  • Responsiveness - peoples needs and outcomes are met

  • Leadership - high-quality and person-centred care is delivered by good leadership and management.


HOW long will the person have dementia?

An average person lives four to eight years with the condition of dementia.

Some people live 20 years after their initial diagnosis.


WHAT types of dementia are there?

  • Alzheimers disease

  • Vascular dementia

  • Dementia with Lewy bodies

  • Mixed dementia

  • Parkinson’s disease

  • Frontotemporal dementia

WHY does the person repeat herself?

Repeating oneself is often an early sign of the onset of dementia.


WHERE can we receive help and support?

MAE Care Logo Image only.png

If you would like to refer a relative, friend or patient to us, or just start a conversation about how we can help, please use the Referral Form button below.

WHEN do you go to your GP.

As soon as the person recognises they may have a problem with their memory. Early intervention can result in better dementia care.


WHO can help us with this support?

MAE Care can signpost to social intervention, also we have excellent relationships with healthcare professionals and healthcare bodies.

We also have an close relationship with the local charity Bloomin’ Dementia for social events and other services.